Go by Example: File Paths

File paths in Go are represented by the path package in the standard library. The path package provides functions for working with file paths in a platform-independent way. Here’s an example that demonstrates some of the basic operations you can perform with file paths in Go:

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Define a file path
	filePath := "/path/to/file.txt"

	// Get the base name of the file (without the directory)
	base := path.Base(filePath)
	fmt.Println("Base:", base)

	// Get the directory name of the file (without the file name)
	dir := path.Dir(filePath)
	fmt.Println("Dir:", dir)

	// Join two file paths together
	joined := path.Join("/path/to", "file.txt")
	fmt.Println("Join:", joined)

	// Check if the file path is absolute
	fmt.Println("IsAbs:", path.IsAbs(filePath))

	// Clean the file path
	cleaned := path.Clean(filePath)
	fmt.Println("Clean:", cleaned)

In this example, we first define a file path filePath and then use several functions from the path package to perform different operations on the file path.

The path.Base function returns the base name of the file, which is the file name without the directory. The path.Dir function returns the directory name of the file, which is the directory without the file name.

The path.Join function allows you to join two file paths together, resulting in a single file path.

The path.IsAbs function returns true if the file path is absolute, and false otherwise.

Finally, the path.Clean function cleans the file path by removing any redundant components, such as “.” and “..”.


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